About VIDA
1 out of 4 children born in the US today is Hispanic. When God began to call us to start a new work for him, he used numbers like these—along with story after story of people trying to find a healthy Hispanic church in their area—to burden our hearts with the need to multiply healthy, Gospel-centered churches among US Hispanics.
Many Hispanic churches preach a message loaded with rules, causing people to think that God’s love for them is dependent on their performance, leaving them either discouraged or puffed up with pride. Others promise economic prosperity and physical health to those who give money, creating unrealistic expectations and ultimately disillusionment with God when what was promised never comes.
VIDA is a church that proclaims true Life offered in Jesus, not based on what we do but based on what He has done for us. VIDA calls people to follow Jesus not because of what they can get but because of what they can give…to Jesus and to those who have yet to find Life in Him.